3D Culture Models

Creating tumor-like models that have cell-cell interaction and cell matrix is a good tool for pharmacological studies and thus can be a good alternative to the use of laboratory animals.

The expression of tumor markers of the patient derived spheroids  in breast cancer patients.

3D Culture Models:

  1. MultiCellular Spheroid (MCS): These models are produced from standard cell lines in an environment containing fetal bovine serum.
  2. Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PD-TS(: Spheroids are derived from patient tumor tissues that have a cellular diversity of the same tissue. These cellular models are used in personalized therapy studies.
  3. MultiLineage Spheroid (ML-TS): The mixture of two or more cell lines such as endothelial, mesenchymal and fibroblast cells that are cultivated as a 3D model.
  4. Cancer Stem Cell Tumor Spheroid (CSC-TS): A type of 3D culture of cells leads to the enrichment of cancer stem cells.

Application of Spheroid Models:

  1. . Drug delivery research
  2. Prediction of drug resistance in human tumors
  3. Cancer stem cell research

What are the features of our products:

Kian immune cell is the only company in Iran that offers ready-to-use spheroids.

  1. Ready-to-use: Hundreds of uniform spheroids are delivered in flasks or plates of 6, 12, 24, 48 or 96 wells.
  2. Simple: The consumer can use these models for his studies without having any experience in 3D culture of cells.

3D models are suitable alternatives to animal models that express most of the functional indicators of tumor masses.

Patient derived spheroids in gastric cancer tumors                        
MCTS of ovarian cancer cell line (SKOV3)